Note: Both examples in same page. See the footer at bottom of page.
Most tags that have been depreciated in HTML5 are quite easy to replace, a few are not - - -
Known by some as the most irritating tag, probably the reason that the <blink> tag was depreciated.
Over use certainly was irritating however properly used the <blink> tag is still useful.
An example of alternate scrolling. Left first, then right
An example of reverse scrolling.
The above line is an example of a scrolling <a href=> tag. Try it, you can click anywhere on the scrolling line to activate the link. The anchor just links to this page.
The size of each section can vary, both can scroll in either direction, the anchor tags are independent.
* * A depreciated tag is a tag that is no longer recommended, it's function can now be replaced with CSS. They still work, but may not in the future. If compatibility is an issue, the depreciated tag may be the tag of choice.
The footer below is a fixed position, centered link. Have a look on the home page to see how this footer works on a background image.